First and foremost, I would like to thank Gerald Auger from Simply Cyber for creating an incredibly informative YouTube video featuring SOC Expert Eric Capuano. It was through Auger’s video that I discovered Eric’s remarkable blog post titled “So You Want to Be a SOC Analyst?” I am truly grateful for their valuable insights and guidance, as they played a significant role in helping me build this lab. Here’s the link if you’d rather follow

Automated YARA Scanning

The goal of this post is to take advantage of the advanced capabilities of the technology of and advanced capabilities of our EDR by incorporating YARA scanning to automate the process of scanning files and processes on YARA signatures to detect malware.

What is YARA?

YARA is a tool used to identify malware and classify them based off of binary and textual patterns. It allows security researchers to craft rules specifically for it that describe unique strings of specific malware families or behavior’s. These rules can be applied to files, processes, or even network traffic to detect potential threats. When inspecting a compromised systems, YARA helps sniff through large amounts of data to find malicious strings by matching them against a set of predefined rules.

YARA was created by a malware researcher named Victor M. Alvarez while working for his previous employer who was associated with VirusTotal service. Due to its effectiveness and utility YARA was released as an open-source tool, quickly becoming popular malware research tool within the cybersecurity industry. Over the years, it became the standard for malware research, threat hunting, and incident response, thanks to the active community grown around it.

There a ton of open source YARA scanners and rulesets. Read more about YARA from VirusTotal or explore one of the many open source YARA rulesets. A solid premium ruleset is the one maintained by Nextron systems.

Let’s put it into action!

We are going to start our LimaCharlie instance to process our file system and processes to trigger events for YARA to scan.

Add a Yara Signature for our C2 Payload

Since, we are going to be using our Sliver C2 payload, we can be specific in creating a specific signature looking out for it. Luckily the good folks at the UK National Cyber Security Centre published some fantastic intel on Sliver, including YARA signatures and other useful detections. Only downside its all crammed into this PDF making it difficult to extract manually luckily this guide makes it simple!

  1. NOTE: If you encounter a permission error on this page, no worries — easy fix.
    1. On the left side menu, click “Access Management” > “Users & Roles
    2. Click your username (likely your email address)
      1. Toggle “ON” the “Select All” at the top right of the permissions list to give yourself all permissions
      2. Scroll down and click “Update Permissions & Close”
      3. Proceed back to “Automations” > “Yara Rules” and continue to the next step.

Within LimaCharlie, browse to “Automation” > “YARA Rules”

Click Add Yara Rule on your right

Name the rule “Sliver

Copy and paste the contents of this gist into the Rule block it should look like this below:

Scroll down and click “Save Rule”

  1. Now create one more YARA rule that we’ll use later on for a more specific purpose. I’ll explain this later on in the post.
    1. Name the rule sliver-process
    2. Copy and paste the contents of this gist into the Rule block.

Now, before we use these YARA rules, we want to setup a few generic D&R rules that will generate alerts whenever a YARA detection occurs.

  1. Browse to “Automation” > “D&R Rules”
  2. Create a new rule
    1. In the Detect block, paste the following:
op: and
  - not: true
    op: exists
    path: event/PROCESS/*
  - op: exists
    path: event/RULE_NAME

Notice: that we’re detecting on YARA detections not involving a PROCESS object, that’ll be its own rule shortly.

In the Respond block, paste the following:

- action: report
  name: YARA Detection {{ .event.RULE_NAME }}
- action: add tag
  tag: yara_detection
  ttl: 80000

Save the rule and title it “YARA Detection”

Create another rule

In the Detect block, paste the following:

op: and
  - op: exists
    path: event/RULE_NAME
  - op: exists
    path: event/PROCESS/*

Notice: that this detection is looking for YARA Detections specifically involving a PROCESS object.

In the Respond block, paste the following:

- action: report
  name: YARA Detection in Memory {{ .event.RULE_NAME }}
- action: add tag
  tag: yara_detection_memory
  ttl: 80000

Save the rule and name it “YARA Detection in Memory

Let’s test our new YARA signature

Since we already have a Sliver implant sitting in the downloads folder on our Windows VM, we can test our signature by starting a manual YARA scan using the EDR sensor. This will give us a proper check if we have been following along correctly at this point.

In LimaCharlie, browse to the “Sensors List” and click on our Windows VM sensor

Access the EDR Sensor Console which allows us to run sensor commands against this endpoint

Run the following command to kick off a manual YARA scan of our Sliver payload. You will need to know the name of your Sliver executable created in Part 2 – Step 3.

Replace [payload_name] with your actual payload name

yara_scan hive://yara/sliver -f C:\Users\User\Downloads\[payload_name].exe

Hit the enter key twice to execute this command

It should look like mines below, indicating a positive hit on one of the signatures contained within the Sliver YARA rule.

Now let’s comfirm that we have a new detection by clicking the “Detections” tab on our left hand side

If you’re able to get to this point we’re able to automate this process!

Automatically YARA scan downloaded EXE files

  1. Browse to “Automation” > “D&R Rules”
  2. Create a new rule
    1. In the Detect block, paste the following:
op: and
  - op: starts with
    path: event/FILE_PATH
    value: C:\Users\
  - op: contains
    path: event/FILE_PATH
    value: \Downloads\
  - op: ends with
    path: event/FILE_PATH
    value: .exe
Notice: that this detection is simply looking for NEW .exe files to appear in any users Downloads directory.

In the respond block, paste the following:

- action: report
  name: EXE dropped in Downloads directory
- action: task
  command: >-
    yara_scan hive://yara/sliver -f "{{ .event.FILE_PATH
  investigation: Yara Scan Exe
    is_global: false
      - '{{ .event.FILE_PATH }}'
      - Yara Scan Exe
    max_count: 1
    period: 1m

This response action generates an alert for the EXE creation, but more importantly, kicks off a YARA scan using the Sliver signature against the newly created EXE.

Save this rule and title it “YARA Scan Downloaded EXE

Automatically YARA scan processes launched from Downloads directory

  1. Browse to “Automation” > “D&R Rules”
  2. Create a new rule
    1. In the Detect block, paste the following:
op: and
  - op: starts with
    path: event/FILE_PATH
    value: C:\Users\
  - op: contains
    path: event/FILE_PATH
    value: \Downloads\

This rule is matching any process that is launched from a user Downloads directory 

In the Respond block, paste the following: 
- action: report
  name: Execution from Downloads directory
- action: task
  command: yara_scan hive://yara/sliver-process --pid "{{ .event.PROCESS_ID }}"
  investigation: Yara Scan Process
    is_global: false
      - '{{ .event.PROCESS_ID }}'
      - Yara Scan Process
    max_count: 1
    period: 1m

Notice: In this rule, we’re no longer scanning the FILE_PATH, but the actual running process by specifying its PROCESS_ID. We are also now using the other YARA rule we created, sliver-process

Save the rule and title it: YARA Scan Process Launched from Downloads

Let’s trigger our new rules!

Scanning New EXEs in Downloads

We will simulate this situation by simply moving it to another location and then putting it back into C:\Users\User\Downloads

Run the following PowerShell command to move your Sliver payload from Downloads to Documents

  1. Replace [payload_name] with your actual payload name
Move-Item -Path C:\Users\User\Downloads\[payload_name].exe -Destination C:\Users\User\Documents\[payload_name].exe

Now, put it back to generate the NEW_DOCUMENT event for an EXE being dropped into the Downloads folder

Replace [payload_name] with your actual payload name
Move-Item -Path C:\Users\User\Documents\[payload_name].exe -Destination C:\Users\User\Downloads\[payload_name].exe

Head over to your Detections tab and see what happened!

  1. It may take a moment or so, maybe a refresh, to see the new detections
  1. We should see an initial alert for EXE dropped in Downloads directory followed shortly by a YARA detection once the scan kicked off and found Sliver inside the EXE
  2. If you do not see these detections, pop into the Timeline of your system and search for the payload name and make sure you have NEW_DOCUMENT events showing the move from Documents → Downloads

Scanning processes launched from Downloads

Now let’s test our NEW_PROCESS rule to scan running processes launched from Downloads

Launch an Administrative PowerShell prompt

  1. First, let’s kill any existing instances of our Sliver C2 from previous labs
    1. Replace [payload_name] with your actual payload name WITHOUT .exe – for instance, if your payload name is STRIKING_PASSION.exe, just use STRIKING_PASSION in this command
Get-Process [payload_name] | Stop-Process

If you get an error, either you didn’t have one running (which is fine), or you messed up the [payload_name] part.

Execute your Sliver payload to create the NEW_PROCESS event we need to trigger the scanning of a process launched from the Downloads directory


Head over to Detections again and see what happened! 

We should see an initial alert for Execution from Downloads directory followed shortly by a YARA detection in Memory once the scan kicked off and found Sliver inside the EXE

If you got this far! You’ve crushed it! 🙂

Keep Learning! Don’t stop here!

  • Scan new files in web server wwwroot directories for webshells
  • Scan suspicious rundll32 processes for CobaltStrike
  • Automatically terminate processes or delete files matching a YARA detection🔥

These are some ideas to start but there’s no limitation for what you can do it’s just a matter of researching and figuring it out on your own as a SOC analyst you’re going to do a lot of troubleshooting and malware research or reverse engineering.

Now go find evil. Remember be Legendary!

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